You don’t have to be an expert to work in cob – anyone can do it. We welcome your interest and involvement in any natural building that we do. We are also looking for volunteers who do have special expertise, such as fundraising, marketing, admin help – or sometimes obscure things like driving a 10 tonne truck or bulldozer!


  • local volunteers wanting to build something for their own use and benefit
  • local or national volunteers wanting to acquire new skills and training
  • local or national volunteers wanting to work with others and to create a tangible product in exchange for their time
  • specialist, professional and natural builders


Sometimes we provide opportunities to volunteer on a build for free – other times you might have to pay a low cost in exchange for the training you will receive. We also periodically run affordable bespoke courses and training days for people to learn how to make typical structures as well as specialist subjects like clay renders or mortars.

We rely on our volunteers and therefore ask everyone involved in a build to adhere to the same standards – e.g., committing in advance to attendance on a build, showing up on time, and working until the end of the shift.



Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

What are your interests in cob or Cob in the Community?

What kind of things can you help with?
Admin Fundraising Grant proposals Marketing Building Other 

Tell us something about you

How much time per month can you commit?
Half a day 1 day 2-3 days 5-10 days Other